- 首頁
- 專業執照課程
- LLM / JD
- Bachelor in Accounting 或 Master of Professional Accounting
- 醫學 / 牙醫
- 教育 / 護理 / 物理治療 / 職能治療
- 澳洲物理治療碩士

國家 | LLM | JD |
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一年課程, 申請條件要有LLB學歷, 托福或雅斯, 可直接向學校申請或透過LSAC申請 https://www.lsac.org/ | 大約3年課程, 申請條件, 學士(LLB除外) +LSAT, 托福或雅斯,可直接向學校申請或透過LSAC申請 https://www.lsac.org/ |
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一年課程, 申請條件要有LLB學歷, 托福或雅斯, 直接向學校申請 | 三年課程, 申請條件, 學士(LLB除外) + LSAT, 托福或雅斯, 直接向學校申請 |
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大致上一年課程, 申請條件要有LLB學歷, 托福或雅斯, 直接向學校申請 | 大約3年課程, 申請條件, 學士(LLB除外), 有的學校要考LSAT, 托福或雅斯, 直接向學校申請 |
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一年課程, 申請條件要有LLB學歷, 雅斯, 直接向學校申請 | 無資料 |
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大致上一年課程, 申請條件要有LLB學歷, 托福或雅斯成績, 直接向學校申請 | 無資料 |

國家 | Bachelor in Accounting 或 Master of Professional Accounting |
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美國CPA證照考試規範由各州制度, 詳情可參考各州政府的規定State Board to become Certified Public Accountant 步驟:
總共4門FAR BEC AUD REG 可以在18個月內完成所有考試 |
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Chartered Professional Accountants Canada 學生有會計學士學位, 可以跟CPA Canada註冊CPA PEP課程, 內容有2門主科, 2門選修, 1門Capstone, 1門Capstone exam, 2年part-time, 同時從事相關工作, 結束後並符合語言能力規定, 參加Common Final Exam (CFE). |
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學生完成大學或碩士相關會計領域, 符合CPA program 或通過foundation exams, 可以在校園或遠距學習, 總共6門課程, Ethics & Governance, Financial Reporting, Strategic Management Accounting, Global Strategy & Leadership, 和2門選修, 以及36個月的相關工作資歷, 學習開始前和結束後時間都可以計算, 可以自行註冊課程, 然後上網透過MY CPA登記考試日期和地點. |
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參考ICAS資料, 在英國成為Chartered Accountant有幾個不同路徑, 國際學生最好申請ICAS認可的碩士課程, 然後向ICAS申請CA訓練合約, 工作合約大概3-5年, 並通過考試, 取得CA qualification.
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和澳洲一樣, 完成CA認可學歷, 加上三年相關工作經驗, 就可申請full CA membership, 課程和考試科目同澳洲規定 |

國家 | 醫學 | 牙醫 |
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4年大學pre-med or biological sciences考MCAT + 4年M.D.或D.O. + 3年以上Residency https://www.ama-assn.org/education/obtaining-medical-license |
高中畢業生考SAT可以申請4年pre-dental 大學課程, +3年左右professional dental training. 有國外牙醫學歷者, 參照各州證照規定, 選擇學校申請, 依照學校入學標準, 可能要考NBDE I and II2階段考試, 取得DDS DMD學位, 然後參加各州牙醫考試代理的Clinical licensing examination. 各州的證照規定 https://www.ada.org/en/education-careers/licensure/licensure-information-by-state 各校的入學標準 https://www.asdanet.org/index/dental-student-resources/tips-for-international-dental-students/advanced-standing-programs 其他詳細情形參考 https://www.asdanet.org/index/dental-student-resources/tips-for-international-dental-students |
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大學學士學位考MCAT, 進入Medical school, 詳細情形參考 https://www.cma.ca/En/Pages/becoming-a-physician.aspx |
完成至少2年以上的相關大學課程, 考DAT可以申請4年DDS, 之後參加NDEB考試取得證照 持有國外牙醫學歷者, 向NDEB申請學歷和技能審查, 參加加拿大課程, NDEB考試 (筆試和OSCE), 取得證照 詳細情形參考 https://ndeb-bned.ca/en/requirements |
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澳洲前醫課程大約5-6年, 也可以先就讀相關學士學位後, 申請後醫課程大約4年, 通過考試, 申請1-3年實習醫生, 詳細情形參考 https://ama.com.au/careers/becoming-a-doctor |
澳洲當地高中或同等學籍可以申請5年牙醫學士課程, 或者3年biomedicine相關學歷再申請4年DMD課程成為註冊牙醫 詳細情形參考 http://www.dentalboard.gov.au/Registration/Overseas-Practitioner-Registration.aspx |
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英國A-Level或同等資格, 可以申請前醫5-6年課程, 取得學士學位者, 亦可考慮後醫課程大約4年, 很多學校只收英國或歐盟學生 詳細情形參考 https://www.gmc-uk.org/education/becoming-a-doctor-in-the-uk |
完成A-Level或同等學籍可申請5年牙醫課程, 或完成3年學士, 可以申請4年牙醫課程, 完成學歷後, 向General Dental Council註冊, 如果在NHS從事牙醫工作, 需先登記從事一年Dental Foundation Training. 詳細情形參考 https://bda.org/students/careers-education/becoming-a-dentist https://www.gdc-uk.org/ |
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當地高中學歷或同等學籍可申請6年醫學Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery課程. 詳細情形參考 https://www.mcnz.org.nz/home/doctors-wanting-to-practise-in-new-zealand/ https://www.nzma.org.nz/about-nzma/information-for-foreign-doctors |
當地高中學歷或同等學籍可申請5年牙醫課程, 詳細情形參考 https://www.dcnz.org.nz/i-want-to-practise-in-new-zealand/ |

學校名稱 | 申請條件 | 課程連結 |
University of Tasmania 校區: Launceston |
Applicants must have completed a Bachelor or Master degree (other than Physiotherapy) from an Australian university or equivalent in the last 10 years, having completed the equivalent of:
Bachelor degree in study fields such as exercise science, biomedical or other health science is recommended. |
2年課程 2024年學費44950澳幣 Semester 2 開學 申請deadline: 30/11/2023 IELTS: 6.5 (單科6.5)以上 https://www.utas.edu.au/courses/chm/courses/m7c-master-of-physiotherapy |
University of Canberra 校區: Bruce |
Applicants must meet all of the following criteria: A) a completed bachelor degree in a health science discipline* with a credit or higher average, and B) degree level studies in musculoskeletal anatomy, advanced functional anatomy, physiology of exercise and biomechanics. Applicants who do not meet the prerequisite requirements are encouraged to apply for entry into the Graduate Certificate of Human Movement 868AA https://www.canberra.edu.au/course/868AA/3/2023 International applicants Applications from international applicants will be accepted on a yearly basis from 1 August of the preceding |
2年課程 2024年學費50500澳幣 Semester 2 開學 申請deadline: 31/03/2024 IELTS: 7.0 (單科7.0)以上 https://www.canberra.edu.au/course/768AA/2/2024 |
University of Queensland 校區: St Lucia |
2年課程 2024學費83330澳幣 Summer semester 開學 (Nov 2024) 申請deadline: 31/8/2023 IELTS: 7.0 (單科7.0)以上 https://study.uq.edu.au/study-options/programs/master-physiotherapy-studies-5267 |
Swinburne University of Technology 校區: Hawthorn |
Applicants must meet all the following criteria:
Course Prerequisites In addition, applicants are required to have:
2年課程 2024學費51030澳幣 Semester 2 開學 IELTS: 7.0 (單科7.0)以上 https://www.swinburne.edu.au/course/postgraduate/master-of-physiotherapy/ |
Curtin University 校區: Perth |
A three-year bachelor degree or equivalent with a CWA (course weighted average) of at least 70. Three subjects (units) at Bachelor of Science (BSc) or equivalent (Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) level 7): Human musculoskeletal anatomy, human biology/physiology and health research methods or evidence-based practice. You will also be required to provide supplementary information with your application. |
Doctor of Physiotherapy 3年課程 2024年學費50853澳幣 Semester one開學 IELTS: 7.0 (單科7.0)以上 申請deadline: 31/8/2023 https://www.curtin.edu.au/study/offering/course-pg-doctor-of-physiotherapy--mx-phyth/ |
UTS 校區: Sydney |
Entry is competitive and assessment is based on grade point average (GPA). Applicants must have completed the following prerequisites at a tertiary level within the past 10 years:
2年課程 2024年學費64656澳幣 Semester one 開學 IELTS: 7.0 (單科7.0)以上 https://www.uts.edu.au/study/find-a-course/master-physiotherapy |
University of Sydney 校區: Sydney |
Prerequisites - none. Assumed Knowledge Applicants for the Doctor of Physiotherapy course must have pre-existing knowledge in two essential areas, Human Anatomy and Human Physiology. Applicants will need to refer to the document below that list the requirements in detail. Applicant coversheet for Assumed Knowledge. |
Doctor of Physiotherapy 3年課程 2024年學費 63500澳幣 Semester one 開學 申請deadline: 31/10/2023 IELTS: 7.0 (單科7.0)以上 https://www.sydney.edu.au/courses/courses/pc/doctor-of-physiotherapy.html |
Flinders University 校區: Adelaide |
Applicants must normally: Hold a Bachelor degree or equivalent qualification and have achieved a Grade Point Average of 5.0 or above and must demonstrate they have successfully completed the following:
2年課程 2024年學費50000澳幣 Semester one 開學 IELTS: 7.0 (單科6.5) 以上 https://students.flinders.edu.au/my-course/course-rules-2019/postgrad/mpt |
La Trobe University 校區: Bundoora |
PrerequisitesSuccessful completion of an Australian bachelor degree (or equivalent).Specialisation - Compulsory: Tertiary-level subjects in musculoskeletal anatomy (2 units) and human physiology (1 unit). Specialisation - Recommended: Tertiary-level subjects in neuroanatomy, pathophysiology, psychology, pharmacology, evidence-based practice, research methods or statistics, determinants of health, human movement, biomechanics, communication or education are also desirable. Applicants who completed their degree more than 5 years ago may be considered on the basis of postgraduate study and/or relevant work experience. WAM - Weighted Average Mark (WAM) at least 70% Additional Information regarding WAM and Early Conditional Offers Applicants must have completed their degree within the last five years. |
2年課程 2024年學費53400澳幣 Semester one 開學 IELTS: 7.0 (單科7.0) 以上 https://www.latrobe.edu.au/courses/master-of-physiotherapy-practice#/overview?location=BU&studentType=int&year=2024 |
University of South Australia 校區: Adelaide |
Applicants must:
Applicants are required to have successfully completed a program of study (at Bachelor level or higher) in one of the following approved Fields of Education (FOE):
Applicants are required to provide evidence of satisfactory completion of prerequisite courses in the last 10 years in the following content areas:
2年課程 2024年學費48100澳幣 Semester one 開學 IELTS: 7.0 (單科7.0) 以上 https://study.unisa.edu.au/degrees/master-of-physiotherapy-graduate-entry |