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- 澳洲UNSW新南威爾斯大學 – 2024年第一學期 獎學金開跑
澳洲UNSW新南威爾斯大學 – 2024年第一學期 獎學金開跑

申請截止日期: 2023年11月30日
歡迎符合條件的優秀學生 踴躍申請 請洽 亞洲留學顧問有限公司
Scholarship require applications.
1. Name: International Scientia Course Scholarships. (PUCA 1025)
Eligibility:For ALL UG & PG students
Amount: (Up to full schoalrships available or 20,000 per annum for the duration of the program)
2. UNSW Law & Justice International Award. (PUCA 1028)
Eligibility: For LLB, JD or LLM applicants
Amount: (Up to 10,000)
3. UNSW Business School International Scholarship (PUCA 1024)
Eligibility: any business UG/PG programs, exclude AGSM
Amount: $5000 per annum
4. UNSW Art, Design & Archiecture International Undergradauate Scholarship (UGCA1823)
Eligibility: UG Coursework degree in the Faculty of Art, Design and Archiecture
Amount: 10,000 Per annum for normal duration of the programs
5. UNSW Art, Design & Archiecture International postgradaute scholarships (PGCA 1098)
Eligibility: PG Coursework degree in the Faculty of Art, Design and Archiecture
Amount: 10,000 Per annum for normal duration of the programs
6. Dr Vincent Lo Asia UG scholarship (UGCA1606)
Eligibility:International UG students from Asia Country
Amount: 10,000 per annum